Animal Soul 

The existence of an animal soul leads to many disputes. The existence of the soul itself has been proven by Dr. Duncan MacDougall, who in 1901 weighed patients before and a few hours after death. Based on the tests, he estimated that the human soul weighs about 21 grams. MacDougall also performed experiments on dogs, but he did not find the difference in weight, and he gave the hypothesis that the dogs do not have soul. We must, however, noted, that finding dogs dying of natural causes is difficult and there is a suspicion that MacDougall dogs poisoned. There is a widespread presumption that those who did not die by natural death remain wandering in this world, as their souls did not leave their bodies, no weight differences could be found.

Many people would disagree about the absence of animal soul. One of them is a behaviorist and a professor at Colorado University, Marc Bekoff, who says that biology no longer understands dogs and other animals as "hairy automats," and that there are observable emotional and ethical behaviors such as, sense of fair play, joy, embarrassment, friendship, and so on. An example of an emotional expression in animals is an example of an elephant called Mosha, who in 2007 lost her right front leg, after she step on land mine. For Mosha was made a prosthesis. When she first looked at it, she was afraid, but when she was sure, that she could use it, she did not want to put it down. The prosthesis also helped Mosha mentally. Until she got a new leg she was often depressed, but since she received a replacement she is happy and she likes playing with other elephants.

People who suffered spontaneous self-inflammation had psychological and emotional problems. However, these do not only concern people. In 1989, World Weekly News bring a report on the rabbit, which was in a laboratory in the cage to test cancer. The animal apparently feels terror and emotional excitement caused by tests because, as Dr. Peter Goins, the rabbit began to shake for a minute, after a while the rabbit began to smoke and then whisk the flames. From rabbit remained only ash.

Still, for many, it remains a mystery about what happens to us and our animal friends after death. Apparently, we will not learn from them how the world looks like for the animals, but there are stories of people who feel the presence of their dead pets. Just as with humans, the reasons for this may be violent death, the fact that they are held in the world by their psychic energy or these souls just do not know that they are dead.

Owners of different pets use to say, that they can listen paws on the floor, bark, feel how they lie to them, etc., just like when these animals were alive. In some cases, the owners say they feel that the pet has come to say good-bye, some say that the presence of a sweetheart feels for a long time. It's not just pets. As were stated on sites in 2005 story of Augustine Towonsing from Bukit Hijau in Baling, Kedah. „It was midnight and I was at the place for just five minutes when I heard a movement nearby but saw nothing. Prior to leaving, I took a snapshot at the place where I felt the movement. When the film was developed later, an elephant apparition was captured on it.“



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