Ghostly days...

During this time people from different cultures, religions and states are celebrating time, when our world passing through the world of dead. Celebrations and these days have different names, from Aduru Odo festival in Nigera to Hungry Ghost festival in China.

People are preparing different sacrificial gifts. In the European countries, apples were given for ghosts who get lost. Carved pumpkins were meant to show protective spirits. Except of apples, sacrifices for spirits where also offer different fruits, flowers, meats and wite at the grave sites.

In China, celebrations are full of food and music and for 15 days you can see Chinese opera shows and pop concerts. People burn paper money, houses, cars, furniture or clothing. Everything from paper, people believe, that their love dones will receive these hthings in their afterlife. In China is during the 7th month of lunar calendar Hungry Ghost festival. Per belief, souls, of those who had done evil on earth went to hell, where they cannot eat as their throat is small. Also these souls are not able to drink.

Can be idea of hungry souls real? Maybe more, than we can imagine. As stated Christina Kim, who is mentioning story of her aunt during festival, when was her aunt in the kitchen she saw the „small red shrine at the back alley, which was slightly at a diagonal angle from my grandmother´s kitchen. She spotted an old man crouching in front of the shrine. Initially she thought he was just placing his offerings at the altar although she found it weird at that time of the night (...) she then heard crunching and munching sounds and she noticed that he was eating those food/offerings (...) it was someone they had known for years (...) he had died a few weeks ago!

In situations, when you can see people, who died before short time, can be different reasons why we can still meet them. Souls staying in this world to help their living relatives, they believe that they cannot left this world because they did not have christian burrial or their living relatives hold them in this world by their psychic energy. Other reasons may be violent death or these souls just do not know that they are dead.

Sometimes we can bring the dead back to our world. Often times, people or their relatives put a tremendous amount of energy into the various items they love, or photos. When a man regularly touches such things, a new owner who brings such a thing home can experience strange phenomena. The same cases happen, just like in the article Neverending battles energy of deceased people may be entered into the surrounding objects such as rocks or trees. As stated Mark Nesbitt: „one reason may be electrical energy naturally created in the brain. At the time of death, especially a death resulting from violence, the brain might send off a tremendous burst of electricity that literally sticks in psychic space or even the land itself.

In festive ceremonies prevailed opinion , that souls can return to living relatives every year or every second year. Even so, many of them should appear to others as living people. As we can find in one of the Apachi legend, the souls of deceased people can when no one sees them, to act as normal living people, but the loud sounds scare them and cause them to turn back into the skeleton monsters.
So is it possible that some days of the year or of a certain day opens a way between our two worlds? 
Or can we bring back the souls of our deceased? Or their energy remains in the surroung objects and we feel them more sensitive during the days which are more published and therefore we are thinking about them more and we are seeing things which we usually do not see or think about them?

citation Christina Kim. Hungry Ghost Festival stories: Dead man feasting. 2010. 

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