Guardian angel

Many people would claim, that they encoutered Guardian Angel. In some cases it is helping person, who disappeared, sometimes other people cannot see this concrete helping person. Sometimes it is only voice, which can be heard only by ourselves.

The question is, who are them? Are they real angels, who are protecting and accompanied us for our whole life, it is our inner voice, intuition which we can hear better in dangerous situation? Can we estimate the dangerous situation better and find solution just by ourselves or is something helping us?
As stated Hazel M. Denning (in book TRUE HAUNTINGS) „according to what sensible individuals say, we can assume that many of these entities are souls of people who loved us and want to keep us safe.“  The cases when the deceased women helped after the death to family „where they often switched off appliances to prevent the burning of ready meals.

As Denning stated, „one mother looked out of the window to check the son, that played in front of the house. He was running straight for the ball. Just as he jumped our of the curb, his body just got up in front of the incoming car and gently pulled back onto the curb. (...)Son said that somebody had lifted him and put him back. When she spoke to a sensible friend, she told her, that the invisible rescuer was the boy´s old mother, who recently died.“

Old tradition says, that each of the children has its own Guarding Angel. But it is not only case of children. Oftentimes, we have various precursors or some help in crisis situations. As stated Arnošt Vašíček (in the book The Meetins with the Mystery) „especially during war or other crisis situations, many people get mysterious and unclear instructions, that force them to do something unusual. For example, let´s jump out of the window or fall to the ground." Vašíček states case of Jana Faitová from Prague: „the end of the war was coming. In the spring of 1945 (...) we had a raid reported almost daily (...) that day was not time for preparation (...) we get out (...) we rant into the fields (...) friends found their place in nearby stack. They invited me to hide there, but I, I do not know why, refused this time and fled. I got to some shrub. There were seven people beneath it, all calling to me (...) to lie down immediately (...) I heard a clear voice saying ´Go away, get away, quickly, don´t be afraid, run, run away!´ I did not hesitate at that moment, I rose and fled further into the fields. There were small bombs around (...) when it finally became calm.“ the woman found that two places where people called her got hit.

Another story which mentioned Vašíček happened to grandfather of Bedřich Stark. His grandfather was in Bosnia and Herzegovina during WWI. "Their position was protected from strikes by the formwork of strong boards. (...) The grenades fell so dense, that grandfather start to fed with life. Suddenly he heard a clear voice ´Go to the second position and let me her´ (...) when he turned, he did not see anyone. But the voice came back again - this time with greather emphasis and urgency. Even though he did not believe that he was able to reach the second position without injuries, he did so. As soon as he get to the position, the grenade strucked the original place, and the formwork exploded.

At pages user lightenergy mentioned story when, he/she was stopped by voice to make another step. „I stopped, wondering what had just happened. I still had my foot in th air above the log. I looked around, and spotted what I though was a leaf (...) it wasn´t a leaf, but a snake. A black mamba.“

Next, Stephen Wagner, mentioned story from Kristy, who „slipped (from stairs) and lost footing (...)  I felt two strong, masculine arms grab me and reach under my arms and pull me up, and I felt a second set of hands grab my ankles and push me firmly back on the stairs.“

Next, Richard Webber, mentioned story of Donna Ferguson, who gave birth to baby, but doctor´s weren´t aware about the complications. Donna was loosing blood and felt tired. During night Donna „began hearing a voice. ´Wake up, wake up!´ (...) I didn´t wan to (...) ´I can´t wake up, I´m so tired.´ But the voice (...) was persistent (...) this time, though, it also told me to press the alarm. I didn´t even know there was an alarm. Still I couldn´t open my eyes, but managed to find enough strength to lift my arm. (...) Fortunately, it was the alarm, which alerted the nurses. (...) I was lying in a pool of blood and soon there were three nurses and a doctor crowded around my bed. (...) I don´t know how close I was to death..“

Another story states Candy, who has as a teeneger  swimming with friend in „muddy river. I dove into the river and got caught in an underwater current. (...) Out of nowhere I felt hands grip my ankles and place them on the floor of the river. I immediately pushed myself straight up to the surface of the water. My friend (...) said I was under water for a long time. There was no one around us.“

When we get in scary situation, out body get to fight-of-flight mode. In this situation start to trigger the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline makes heart beat faster and pump more blood and oxygen to muscles, so we can for example run faster. Also our functions, which might help to survive are getting sharpen, for example eyesight. It is possible, that also our other senses resp. perception and assessment of the situation is getting better and with our better abilities we can better heard our inner voice or our hear/understand our unconscious mind.

But what in cases when somebody push you or you can see somebody? Probably there are not wandering entities, which are trying to find somebody in need. In many times the voice, which people heard is known for them. Or unknown persons are clothed in old clothes. Why would unknown death people from older time watch concrete person? The possible way, is, as stated Denning, that these are people who loved us and want to keep us safe. Therefore, these can be our family members, who we even doesn´t need to know, but they are still protecting us.

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source of picture 2


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