What´s TRUE on that?!
Die from fear

As stated Michal Kohn from Petrova Ves, Slovakia, is story about a men, who was telling in pub that he is fearless. He bet, that he will go to the cemetery at midnight, and into grave of his father will stick hayfork. As he said, it happened, but the man was found in the morning dead. People were wondering whether he had held by his father´s ghost or what had happened. As Kohn points out „he did not notice, that when he stick hayfork to the ground, he sticked also his blouse at the same time,“ which prevented him from escaping. The man died from fear. It is possible?

When you get in scary situation, your feel dread, anxiety and panic and your body get to fight-or-flight mode.  In this situation start to trigger the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline makes heart beat faster and pump more blood and oxygen to muscles, so we can for example run faster. Also our functions, which might help to survive are getting sharpen, for example eyesight. Dangerous situation is if the adrenaline level is too great or takes too long.

Because of the adrenaline can people move faster and be stronger. Adrenaline helps us to survive in dangerous situation, to protects ourselves or to help our beloved ones. You can imagine situations, when mothers lift up cars from their children.

Too much adrenaline can completely stop even healthy heart. Therefore, the people, even healthy ones, can die of a heart attack in scary or dangerous situation. As stated Dr. Robert Glatter „It can happen even in normal people. It doesn´t have to be a person with pre-existing heart disease, although those people would certainly be at higher risk.

In 2010, 26 year old women in Staten Island stucked in an elevator, where she was trapped in small, dark place, for half an hour. Panic was growing and woman, even get from the elevator, died in hospital – in fact, she died of fear.

There are also ideas that Laika, first dog in the space, died of fear, because the sensor showed extraordinary heart rate and blood pressure.

Associated Press reports, that 20 year old robber killed 79 year old woman in Charlotte, N.C. even he did not touch her. Lady died because of heart attack, which was caused by teror of a robber.

Fear can have also long term consequences on our health like physical health, clinical depression, worse memory, fatigue, fear can even interrupt processses in our brains for example those which regulate emotions, therefore in situations when we are under long term fear, we wouldn´t be able to act in accordance with emotions, ethics, rules, etc. as a person who is not in stress/danger. You can imagine situations, when are people jumping from high places when they run away from somebody or when they shoot someone who terrorizes them for a long time, for example in cases of domestic violence, when victim kills her/his tyrant. In normal situation, ethics, rules, emotion, view of the world, wouldn´t let you so easy to kill somebody.

source of picture https://pixabay.com/sk/%C4%8Dierna-rana-p%C3%A1lenie-svie%C4%8Dka-2941843/ 


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