All around the world are different places, cities, ruins or historical artefacts and many other things, which will expand your horizons and reveals the unknown knowledge. Just places,  which you must know.
Turkey is for many people only holiday destination with different culture. But there are also  places, which must be known.
Pluto´s Gate

Just as there are many ideas that describe the afterlife in different ways, so there are different visions of how we can get to „other side.“ One of these pathways was revelead in southeast Turkey in 2013 by Italian archaeologists. Hole from which rolls deadly gases is in Hierapolis (Pamukkale today's). Already Greek geographer Strabo wrote that „this space is full of a vapor so misty and dense that one can scarcely see the ground. Any animal that passes inside meets instant death. I threw in sparrows and they immediately breathed their last and fell.“

Pluto´s Gate was discovered during works, that tried to find the tomb of St. Philip – one of the 12 apostles. There were fond remainds of a temple, poll and a number of steps. Head of the team of archaeologists, stated that  „people could watch the sacred rites from these steps. But they could not get to the area near the opening. Only the priests could stand in front of the portal.“ As next stated Elizabeth Snodgrass „the eunuch priests of Pluto would prove their power by entering the gassy cleft and coming out alive (presumably by holding theri breath and taking advantage of known pockets of safe air within the cave).“

Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe is the oldest stone temple of the world, which reaches age about 11 000 years, what means that this strange complex was built in the period when finished last ice age. On the massive stone pillars, which have T shaped are display various animal species. Between pillars are small stone walls and buildings of clay.

The temple is situated in south-eastern Turkey, 15 km from the town of Urfa. Some researchers have come to the view that this place could be once fabled Atlantis, because the massive stone pillars, which have been discovered comprise together seven circles. Of course, theories are different, it could be a sacrificial place, observatory and so on. Likewise, researchers can not agree on how this place could look like in the past. Some come with a theory that monuments were supporting the roof, but as stated researches on officials sites „(...) these monumental stone circles had never been roofed, but had rather served as open air installations, with no just enclosures, but also several layers of walls surrounding the central pillars.“

An interesting information to note is that Göbekli Tepe was over its use buried and under the ground should be, according to the geomagnetic survey, at least 250 stone monuments. Around the area were found arrowheads and different fragments which are showing us that arond the area lived people. However, the only bones that were in the area found belonged to animals, therefore, animals could be victims or the remnants of the feasts.

Citations: Gobeklitepe Temples. GOBEKLITEPE.INFO: n.d.[online].[cited 18.7.2015]. Available at:

Elizabeth Snodgrass. Archaeologists Find a Classic Entrance to Hell. NEWS. NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC: 2013.[online].[cited 18.7.2015]. Available at:

Rossela Lorenzi. Pluto´s Gate Uncovered in Turkey. NEWS.DISCOVERY: 2013. [online].[cited 18.7.2015]. Available at:


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