Marie-Angélique Memmie Le Blanc, the Wild Girl
of Champagne
Probably everybody knows the
legend, in which Romulus and Remus lived for some time with Rea, or the story
about Maugli from The Jungle Book of Rudyard Kypling, and so on. It should be
noted, that not all of the stories of feral children are fictional. Many
children were raised by animals and they subsequently did not know fully move
back into the society. But there are also cases when where children held in
small rooms without human contact. Also in these cases we can see them as feral
children/wild children or wolf children, because they grown up without any or
minimal human contact. As stated John McCrone such children „with no
inner voice to organise their minds, feral children are reduced to the level of
an animal. There is a little, if anything, about man´s higher mental
abilities which can be considired innate. Indeed, even sexual behaviour, facial
expressions and walking on two legs seem to require the shaping mould of
Overall, according to Leonard
LaPointe, cases of feral children can be „classify and discuss into
(a) children raised by animals, (b) isolated children who lived on their own,
and (c) confined children.“ Thus, there are different terrible cases, but
there is one really special case of Marie-Angélique Memmie LeBlanc, the Wild
Girl of Champagne, whose story is full of mysteries...
Memmie LeBlanc was found in
the woods of Songy, France. In one day of September 1731 were people alarmed by
the entrance into the street of a nine or ten years old girl dressed in
the skin of animals, armed with a short baton, who was probably searching
for water.
One of the villagers launched
on girl his dog, but she killed him. When villagers wanted to arrested her, she
hid on a tree and did not want to come down. When somebody approached to
her, she started to cry or growl. Finally, one women lured her down on food and
water. Wild girl had problems to articulate, only words, which she was able to
say were in a kind of foreign language. When villagers washed girl for
several times, they found that, although she looked like to be a black
girl, in fact, she was white and her skin was dark from dirt and also colour.
Furthermore she wore a necklace, some pendants and pouch fixed to a large
animal skin. According to Michael Newton she had also a „small knife,
inscribed with strange characters.“
At last, was to this girl with
blue eyes, who managed to run fast, turn to dive and to climb trees, gave name
Memmie Le Blanc. When she was in St. Maur, hospital in Chalons, she learned
French, which was relatively quickly. She said, to people, that she was
kidnapped, painted on black and sold into slavery. She was taken with other
slaves, when she wasn´t working, they beat her. She also said that she was in
some hot country.
First, we can stop at the
information that she learned French faster and easier than we should assume. It
is interesting because as informed Leonard LaPointe „(David) Crystal stated that most
attempts to teach wild children language failed. Some are reported to have
learned some speech (...) but little evidence is presented to verify these
reports.“ One example for all is Peter the Wild Boy, who was captured in
Hanover in 1725 when he was 12. Even he spent more than 60 years in society and
he was teached by the best teachers, he could say only his name and garbled
form of „King George.“ In Memmie´s case researchers thought that she could be
kidnapped when she was 7 or 8 years old or maybe younger and thus she had some
basics of some language.
But Memmie´s story continues.
Once ship, on which she sailed from hot country, wrecked and Memmie with second
girl survived. After swimming they reached shore, while Memmie knew how to swim
and second girl hold her leg. They were moving at night, slept in trees, ate
roots and raw flesh. They communicated with each other by signs and wild cries.
Once they had a fight and during the battle Memmie did to a second
girl a blow on the head. Memmie found a frog skin and put it on the
wound. Furthermore, girls break up and live independently.
Another interesting
information was, that the clothes from animal skins, according to which some
thought that Memmie was Eskimo, girls get from a woman. Thus arises the
question: who was the mysterious woman and also how could Memmie know that she
will heal girl´s wound with frog skin?
Although it may seem crazy,
mysterious woman, who gave clothes to girls, could belong to prehistoric
people, who could survive to these days. While this is incredible, many authors
argue, that before few centuries it was normal to meet these people. Even
according to some theories these people could be surviving Neanderthals, who
evolved simultaneously with us in different parts of the world. For example as
stated Aleš Česal „in Slavic ethnic group remain a set of rumors about
the members of the wild nation – wild men and wild women, who lived in the
forests and mountains.“ More detailed description of the wild women brought
us Otomar Dvořák, who states that „these women were particularly repulsive
appearance, naked or partially wrapped by some animal skin, whole their body
were covered with sparse red hair and luxuriant mane of red hair.“ With wild people apparently had some
people trade and wild women gave for bread „otherwise difficultly obtainable
forest herbs and medicinal roots.“ Wild women had also good healing
abilities. Similar stories about wild people come also from the Caucasus or
Normandy. We can ask whether the strange woman who gave girls fur was wild
woman and whether they had learned also some methods of healing, since Memmie
automatically gave to the girlfriend´s wound frog skin?
However, there are not more
informations about the strange woman, who gave fur to girls. Researchers were
more interested in the origin of the strange girl, who during her life lived in
a series of convents. One of the
researchers, who were interested in this case, was also James Burnett, the Lord
of Monboddo. As Newton states, during one experiment were before Memmie gave
different dolls. „Among them
were also Eskimo and his wife carrying her baby,“ she grabbed the Eskimo couple even the
others „were more colorful and more interestingly adorned.“
Also based on this event,
many believed that Memmie was Eskimo, but it should be considered, that girl
reached for the dolls who represented the family. So, lonely, confused and
unhappy girl can only longed for his parents and home, from where she was
abducted, while she wasn´t interesting in clothes of dolls.
Researchers, who don´t agree
with theory that Memmie was an Eskimo, argue that, as stated Newton, she was „fair-complexioned,
smooth-skinned, her features were soft as a European.“ But there is
much bigger secret, which covers her homeland because she said that it was
somewhere where is snow on the ground much of the year and her people can use
knives and clubs.
Anyhow, there is another
clue, that would tell us about the story of a little girl something more.
How Memmie said, she didn´t remember on family but only on a large sea
animal with a round head and big eyes, that swum with two feet like a dog.
There is a possibility that it could be a seal. According to the Ken
Metz „in the case of seals and dogs, one can picture them being more and
more alike, until the math works us back about 46 or 54 milion years to when
the difference between them was zero. A zero difference means that those
two species were then in fact the one same species. In other words (...) there
existed no separate (...) ancestors, instead what existed was just their one,
shared, ancestral species. That single ancestral species evidently gave birth
to one branch of descendants that eventually evolved into today´s land
carnivorans (dog family, cat family, bear family, and their kin) and also gave
birth to other descendants that branched off to become today´s marine
So, we can see, that seal and a dog have real
similarities and the animal which was swimming as a dog could really be
a seal.
We should also look on the
more important fact, which is, that Memmie had blue eyes. According to some
theories blue eyes gradually expanded mainly because they are adapted to the
light of European winters. It is even proven, that reindeer eyes turn blue in
the arctic winter. On this basis and her testimony we can really assume, that
Memmie came from countries with cold climate. Since she had European features
and white skin (Eskimos have dark skin), she was probably from one of the
Scandinavian countries or Russia.
Of course, to the definitive
answer of the origins of this mysterious girl could help us knife with special
symbols, which she had. This way of thinking had also Burnett, but as stated
Newton: „The weapons were in the possession of the new Viscount d´Epinoy.
So, following Memmie´s footsteps, Burnett made the short journey to the
chateau. But he had no luck (...) the Viscount left his residence at Songi.“
So, apparently the only
trace, knife with strange characters, which could reveal the true origin of
Memmie is for the general public well hidden...
When Burtnett passed away and
people, who cared for her died, disappeared also interest about Memmie and also
the time of her death is a mystery. Similarly, we do not know where is she
buried, so the place of her origin can not be detected through DNA testing.
Appears once knife with strange symbols, able to lift the veil of mystery of
wild girl, named Marie-Angélique Memmie Le Blanc?
Source of the picture:
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